Laurence Paul Dunbar

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I grew a rose once more to please mine eyes.

All things to aid it-dew, sun, wind, fair skies-

Were kindly; and to shield it from despoil,

I fenced it safety in with grateful toil.

No other hand than mine shall pluck this flower, said I,

And I was jealous of the bee that hovered nigh.

It grew for days; I stood hour after hour


To watch the slow unfolding of the flower,

And then I did not leave its side at all,

Lest some mischance my flower should befall.

At last, oh joy! The central petals burst apart.

It blossomed-but, alas! A worm was at its heart!




Reader Review:


    “Fulfilment” is a great and deep poem, but I do not like because it gives me a sense of hopeless dream. The title itself gives a connotation of the meaning behind it. The tittle means much more in the poem that the whole poem itself. It tells me that the poem is not complete or in this case is not totally fulfill.



In this case he grows a rose; he protects and secures it from any harm, but at the end the rose has a worm in it. From my point of view the meaning of the poem disturbers a little because it tells me that my success is not going to be complete; there is always something that doesn’t turn out to be the way it is plan. It is a realistic thought, but not very pleasant.





   In addition to the metaphore used on the title, the tone of the poem is ironic. The poem itself seems to laugh at me every time I read it. Something like:-here it is your greatest dream, but look how it turns out to be! Jajajaja! It is nonsense but I could feel it in every word on the poem. However, the poem is very good

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