Laurence Paul Dunbar

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A heart broken fan to Paul Laurence Dunbar


 Dear Paul:

            First at all, I have to tell you the magnificent poet you are. I love your work! More so the cleverness put in to sent your message straight to your aim. My first contact with your work was made through a school. I never thought that I could like poetry, and I never dream that that would lead me to you. There are many poets out there, but yours can stand out because you made them unique. Your variety of themes and the colorful word makes them shine. After researching a little about your life, I hope you don’t mind that I have been digging into your personal life, but at this point of your life you should know that there is a price to pay for being a notorious poet, I discovered that after you eloped and married Alice you show you wicked personality. To tell you the truth I am really disappointed at you because you are not the person I thought you were. How someone could write beautifully and deeply can be such as aggressive person? I don’t   understand you and I never will. I understand that we are not perfect, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot change ourselves. Everyday and every moment, we take our chances and we try, but what makes it different is that after trying and failing we change. We find our mistakes and we change. We can become better person by trying. So even though I am just a sole fan and therefore nobody, I hope you would take retrospectives in your life and try one more time to fix you differences in life. As you wrote it “So the future cannot hurt us while we keep the past in mind…” With this said and done, I begged your pardon for such as nerve, but I wanted you to know that others and I want the best for you.



                                                                                  your more lovely fan

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