Laurence Paul Dunbar

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The Paradox

I am the mother of sorrows,
          I am the ender of grief;
I am the bud and the blossom,
          I am the late-falling leaf.

I am thy priest and thy poet,
          I am thy serf and thy king;
I cure the tears of the heartsick,
          When I come near they shall sing.

White are my hands as the snowdrop;
          Swart are my fingers as clay;
Dark is my frown as the midnight,
          Fair is my brow as the day.

Battle and war are my minions,
          Doing my will as divine;
I am the calmer of passions,
          Peace is a nursling of mine.

Speak to me gently or curse me,
          Seek me or fly from my sight;
I am thy fool in the morning,
          Thou art my slave in the night.

Down to the grave will I take thee,
          Out from the noise of the strife;

Then shalt thou see me and know me--
          Death, then, no longer, but life.

Then shalt thou sing at my coming,
          Kiss me with passionate breath,
Clasp me and smile to have thought me
          Aught save the foeman of Death.

Come to me, brother, when weary,
          Come when thy lonely heart swells;
I'll guide thy footsteps and lead thee
          Down where the Dream Woman dwells.



" Battle and War are my minions..." Dunbar

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    Paradox is a dilemma of being a human in a world that seems blurry and atrocious. On the first stanzas the speaker gives a contrasting view of himself. He calls himself the “mother of sorrows,” (Line 1) but on the next sentence he also says that he is the “ender of grief.”(Line2) One would think- wait a minute, what is it about? Or what is going on in this poem? Nothing makes sense. But assuming that the speaker is clearly taking about aspects of his life, he is just talking of the many times he feels like being someone that is not him such as being a priest and also being a king at the same time. For example when he refers as the mother of sorrows, it could be that he has been in a situation where he hurt many people by his thoughtless actions. Or when he refers himself as the serf and the king, he could be talking of a situation where he worked very hard to accomplish something and by doing this he felt as a king because of his conquest.

Another Point of view for Paradox is written as  follow:

    "Paradox" is a lyric poem in which the author introduces his self and his poetry. This is a dactylic tetrameter poem which has eight stanzas. The literature device that he uses throughout the poem is paradox, as the title. In the first two stanzas, he introduces his self as a poet. Beside paradox, he uses assonance such as I am in line and alliteration like the in first two stanzas. Or he uses oxymoron device such as mother(1), ender(2), bud and blossom(3), late-falling leaf(4) etc, to describe himself. In addition, Dunbar uses impressive images such as sorrow(1), grief(2), serf, king(6) etc. Furthermore, with his listed literature devices, he creates the rhyme and rhythm for the poetry.

What face is yours?

Still the speaker is not only a human that can change into other characters, he also faces changes in attitude.  On the stanzas 3 to 5, the speaker changes his attitude by portraying an imagery of extremes. It can never be in between, in other words, there are only two colors; black in white. For example he says “Speak to me gently or curse me, /Seek me or fly from my sight ;”( Line 17-18) It clearly states two states that are completely opposites, there is no “in between”.  However, in the last stanzas he shifts his mood to a positive side of his person. He implies that once he overcomes the shadows of darkness in his life, he can become a loving self, too. He describes that he can be a good lover and a good brother.

Many things happen in our life such as one day we can feel as the king of the hill or some other day we feel as the worse human being in Earth, but these little pieces are what make us human. These are aspects that shape our life and determine our self strength. They are the path to find the true person that lies in us.  




In the third stanza, he describes his appearances and characteristic. For his appearance, he uses oxymoron and colorful image such as white (9), swart(10) to describe about his appearance.

His characteristic is shown in the fourth stanza, such as loves war and battle(13), or his is calm and passionate person. Finally, in his last four stanzas, he talks about his thoughts how people is going to react with his poems and his thought and what his poems can do for them.


    In "Paradox," Dunbar shows his different faces and opposite characteristics. He does not really care what the others think he is, and in different circumstances he is different person. He and his poem could either bring happiness or the sadness and hopelessness, and himself could be a king, server, and peacekeeper. This is a very interest and impressive introductory poems.


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